Category Archives: Quotes

That’s the way, Jimmy Page;

“If I ever really felt depressed, I would just start putting on all my old records that I played as a kid, because the whole thing that really lifted me then still lifted me during those other times. It was good medicine for me, and it still does that for me when I put something on. Isn’t it wonderful that we’ve got all that good medicine? I think it’s got to be all part of our DNA, this mass communication through music. That’s what it is. It’s got to be, hasn’t it? Music is the one thing that has been consistently there for me. It hasn’t let me down.”

Oh, hey there Sheepy

Seven days later… ;

…and I can’t thank you enough.

“I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.”

– George Eliot

We learn, as we age, that we’ve learned nothing;

And I always say, I’m just astonished at how much you learn as you grow older and how it never stops. When I was 21, I realized that I didn’t know anything at 17, and then at 25, I realized I didn’t know anything at 21, and now at 31, I realized I didn’t know anything at 25. But it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. I’m always wondering if when I’m 80, am I gonna be looking back to when I was 75 and going, you know, “That person didn’t know anything?” When does that process of growing stop?

When I listen back to all of that stuff, I see mistakes I made, but also the sparks of something I was doing that was eventually going to be great. It’s all very strange.

Jesse Lacey of Brand New

Interview can be found here
Photograph taken by Julie Lavelle in a Toronto In-Store that the sheep was lucky enough to attend!

Don’t you know it’s true?

[Teen represents] passion, obsession, excitement, energy, spontaneity, mystique, yeah, like kind of irrational love you know, deep, irrational love, being wild. Dream represents fantasy, leaving reality, it represents so many things, it represents distortion, it represents one tiny feeling becoming a huge feeling.

BEACH HOUSE INTERVIEW from wow magazine on Vimeo.

Thank you to Wow Magazine for sharing this video with the world and allowing us to share it with you.

Also, swing by The Alternate Side for two amazing studio performances of ‘Zebra’ and ‘Better Times’ accompanied by none other than another great interview!

Usually, I am not a fan of snow but today, only if even for a little while, I am grateful to the weather. With nothing to do (there’s always a paper, though), no where to go (except to find a source of hydration) and not a thing to worry about (okay, that’s never true but let’s pretend) I am going to take advantage of this opportunity; my world on pause, under blankets of white and glide, effortlessly, through as much of the Beach House catalog as I can before reality creeps its way into my day like the green, slimy leech that it is.

Are you snowed in? Join me! It doesn’t snow where you are? Join me anyway! The Sheep might be a little late though, she has a date with destiny philosophy. The world only stops for snow in America, it seems.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

photo credit: eisley girls

I know people for whom music is just background noise. They don’t listen to it. They just consume it. These people have never made a mix-tape for anyone. These people are not my friends. These people have no soul.

– Rob Sheffield

glass bullets you shoot at the wall;

Jan: What is happiness?

Peter: Happiness is never wanting to sleep.

Peter Silberman of The Antlers

You can should definitely do yourself a favor and read the rest of this beautiful interview here.

(Photo Credit)

drag me out of the sea and then teach me to breathe;

There is something genuinely freeing to me about the ocean. There are no borders — it’s fucking beautiful. I’m not going to get to do space travel, so what’s under the water is quite a bit more interesting to me. I just went snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef with my fiancée. Also, I’ve gotten into surfing a bit. I can’t stand up for more than five seconds, but I like the fact that I can paddle out into oblivion.

– Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse

You can read the full interview here.

that secret that you know;

Pitchfork: So what are some of your favorite quotes?

JV: Oh man, I don’t know. I’d have to think about it, but I was listening to this Johnny Cash song today that Tom Waits wrote for him– I think that’s the story. For some reason it’s a thing that sticks in my brain. He’s describing this scene where he sees all these almost biblical images happening kind of in this burrow where this biblical train runs through this yard. The song goes, “I saw Judas Iscariot carrying John Wilkes Booth down there by the train” and for some reason when Johnny Cash is singing that…

I have that written out. I thought that was an image I had to put in my pocket and keep with me. I’m not exactly sure why. It’s not that I need to remember it, because I won’t forget those kind of things, but I just want to write them down and look at them. It’s almost like when things like music come out and you’re listening to a song and you have experiences with art or phenomena that supersede your simple relationship with them as just a piece of art. They’re more than that. That’s just what those quotes are for me. They’re big, they’re important.

– Justin Vernon of Bon Iver

The interview done by Pitchfork can be found over here.

the only reason i feel secure;

“The answers are few and far between to the great many questions that arise when you try to be honest with yourself.”

– David Bazan formerly of Pedro the Lion, now just of himself

at the end of the day;

” At the end of the day if you’ve only immersed yourself in those things you don’t really feel accomplished as opposed to just writing a song. That just came out of me, I just made that up out of nowhere and it’s always going to be something, it’s always going to be a song. Whether I’m the only person who knows it or a million people know it, I made something and put it out into the world. That kind of sounds like a precious sentiment, but it’s true.”

– Jesse Lacey of Brand New

interview by Sheena Lyonnais from here.